Using Legato

The Legato Scripting Language and the IDE are included in all installations of GoFiler Complete. You may also download the Legato Interpreter for free as a standalone package below.

This package will allow you to run Legato scripts from a command line. Legato is free for development for personal or non-commercial use. By downloading Legato Basic, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of its use.


This package will allow you to write, debug and run Legato scripts from an IDE. Legato is free for development for personal or non-commercial use. By downloading Legato IDE, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of its use.

Legato Release Notes
Version 1.4l (07/01/2024) / GoFiler 5.23a

1.0 Legato Script Language Notes (1.4k)

1.1  Function Improvements and Changes

General Functions

–  Changed the last error return data to be the number of digits, less the sign, for the GetNumericWholePortion function.

Zip Object Functions

–  Added logic to force incoming path names to follow always the URI style path delimiters for the Zip Object. This corrects issues with finding specific files in specific locations when the Zip Object was created by different platforms. This correction applies to the ZipExtractFile and ZipExtractToString functions.

–  Added logic to read “streamed” zip content. Some compression tools, such as Google’s Save Sheets to Excel tool, does not add file sizes to the file header. These types of file sets will now work with the Zip Object.

1.2  New API Functions

Data Control

–  DataControlComboAddString — Adds a string to a combo box cell.

–  DataControlComboAddList — Inserts a list of items at an optional specified position in a combo box cell.

–  DataControlComboDeleteItem — Deletes a list item from a specified index in a combo box cell.

–  DataControlComboFindString —Finds a string within a combo box list.

–  DataControlComboGetItemCount — Returns the total items in the list box portion of the combo box.

–  DataControlComboGetSelectIndex — Returns the index position of the selected item within a combo box cell.

–  DataControlComboGetString — Gets a string at the specified index position within a combo box cell.

–  DataControlComboInsertString — Inserts to a string into a combo box cell.

–  DataControlComboReset — Resets the contents of the combo box cell.

–  DataControlComboSelectItem — Selects a string in the list or an item by index within a combo box.

Date Functions

–  MS1900ToDate — Converts a Microsoft 1900 format date to a qword.

–  MS1900ToString — Converts a Microsoft 1900 format date to ISO-8601.

–  MS1904ToDate — Converts a Microsoft 1904 format date to a qword.

–  MS1904ToString — Converts a Microsoft 1904 format date to ISO-8601.

HTTP Functions

–  HTTPGetCookies — Returns all the cookie strings associated with a specific URL.

–  HTTPGetCookieValue — Returns the string associated with a specific named cookie.

–  HTTPRawRequest — Allows a raw post via the HTTP port.

Numeric Functions

–  FormatNumber — Converts a value into a formatted number.

2.0 Legato Script Language Notes (1.4l)

2.1  Function Improvements and Changes

–  Updated the GetOperatingSystemVersion function to support Windows 11. Note: this is important if you are checking for platform items. The function will now return 14 or WIN_MAJOR_11 if running under Windows 11.

–  Added defined terms x86 and x64, which can be used as interpreter conditionals. See the GetPlatformType function for additional information.

2.2  New API Functions


–  ClipURIAuthority — Clips off URI/URL authority, if present.

–  HTTPGetUserAgent — Get the current HTTP User-Agent string.

–  HTTPSetUserAgent — Sets the User-Agent string for HTTP requests.


–  GetPlatformType — Returns the platform type in which the program is running.

–  IsWindows64Bit — Test whether the operating system being used supports 64-bit programs.


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