Please use the Check for Updates function to update your software to the latest version.
GoFiler Complete 5.19b
General EDGAR Updates
– Running the Refresh Dependencies function will now also update any Schema or Linkbase files referenced by an attached iXBRL file. Please note that the “Refresh Project Dependencies” option under the “Submissions” tab in the preferences will only update graphic files.
– Corrected an issue that caused some EDGAR XML views to hold on to excess memory until the view was closed.
– The application will now automatically select “EX-2.01 INS” and “EX-2.01 SCH” when an added instance or schema file is from the RXP taxonomy.
– The application no longer misidentifies schema documents with embedded linkbases as linkbase documents.
– The LAB and PRE linkbases are no longer flagged as required when a schema document is attached to a project.
– Corrected an issue that could cause an internal error if a project contained non-UGT XBRL with an extensible enumeration.
– The File Cross Reference Check will now include schema files referenced by iXBRL files and linkbase files referenced by schema documents.
Section 16 Updates
– Updated the proof templates for Forms 4 and 5 to always show the checkbox for Rule 10b5-1(c), even if it unchecked.
Form 13F Updates
– Corrected a situation where CUSIP numbers were not being properly combined by the Filter CUSIP script if they were using SH instead of PRN values.
Page View and HTML
– Added logic to display text using CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color.
– Improved display of CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color within the Page View Control Window.
– Modified the Table Polish function to accept both text-underline-style and text-decoration-style when processing rules for cells.
– Adjusted the import from MS Word to convert text-underline-style to text-decoration-style.
– Extensible enumerations can now be edited using Fact Properties.
– The extensible enumerations editor will now warn if the current data type is not a set and multiple values have been added.
– The extensible enumerations now works with older (EE 1.0) extensible enumerations.
– XBRL View now supports multiple values for a single fact that differ only by unit. A new tab has been added to the Fact Properties function to edit additional values.
– The older Edit Countries/Segments/Governments/Entities/Projects functions are no longer available for RXP 2023.
– The Document Wizard now accepts “2.01 SD” for the DocumentType of RXP filings.
– The library for CEF will now properly show UGT elements.
– The Find Element function will now report if an element is used as a value of an Extensible Enumeration.
– Extension elements that are used as a value of an Extensible Enumeration will no longer be marked as not in use.
– Corrected the validation of DocumentType for RXP filings.
– Corrected an issue that would cause the validate function to change the taxonomy of the report.
– Made a number of corrections to the Export function, particularly when exporting reports that use the OEF or RXP taxonomy. Corrections were also made when exporting extensible enumerations.
– When adding facts and two facts differ by only unit (and/or value), the second fact will be added as an Additional Value of the first.
– Corrected an issue that would display a context error for Risk Block engrams when using the OEF-RR taxonomy.
– The extensible enumerations editor will now warn if the current data type is not a set of values and multiple values have been added.
– The library for CEF will now properly show UGT elements.
– Corrected an issue that would prevent ECD filings from creating an equity style presentation when using Create XFR.
– The embedded presentation code (for RR) generated by XDX will now automatically filter to a specific class if the context for the fact has a class in its dimensions.
– The application will now detect if multiple presentations with different names result in the same generated role URI and will automatically adjust the role URI to avoid roles that end up being equivalent.
GoFiler 5.19b
General EDGAR Updates
– Running the Refresh Dependencies function will now also update any Schema or Linkbase files referenced by an attached iXBRL file. Please note that the “Refresh Project Dependencies” option under the “Submissions” tab in the preferences will only update graphic files.
– Corrected an issue that caused some EDGAR XML views to hold on to excess memory until the view was closed.
– The application will now automatically select “EX-2.01 INS” and “EX-2.01 SCH” when an added instance or schema file is from the RXP taxonomy.
– The application no longer misidentifies schema documents with embedded linkbases as linkbase documents.
– The LAB and PRE linkbases are no longer flagged as required when a schema document is attached to a project.
– Corrected an issue that could cause an internal error if a project contained non-UGT XBRL with an extensible enumeration.
– The File Cross Reference Check will now include schema files referenced by iXBRL files and linkbase files referenced by schema documents.
Page View and HTML
– Added logic to display text using CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color.
– Improved display of CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color within the Page View Control Window.
– Modified the Table Polish function to accept both text-underline-style and text-decoration-style when processing rules for cells.
– Adjusted the import from MS Word to convert text-underline-style to text-decoration-style.
GoFiler Lite 5.19b
General EDGAR Updates
– Running the Refresh Dependencies function will now also update any Schema or Linkbase files referenced by an attached iXBRL file. Please note that the “Refresh Project Dependencies” option under the “Submissions” tab in the preferences will only update graphic files.
– Corrected an issue that caused some EDGAR XML views to hold on to excess memory until the view was closed.
– The application will now automatically select “EX-2.01 INS” and “EX-2.01 SCH” when an added instance or schema file is from the RXP taxonomy.
– The application no longer misidentifies schema documents with embedded linkbases as linkbase documents.
– The LAB and PRE linkbases are no longer flagged as required when a schema document is attached to a project.
– Corrected an issue that could cause an internal error if a project contained non-UGT XBRL with an extensible enumeration.
– The File Cross Reference Check will now include schema files referenced by iXBRL files and linkbase files referenced by schema documents.
Go16 Complete 5.19b
General EDGAR Updates
– Corrected an issue that caused some EDGAR XML views to hold on to excess memory until the view was closed.
Section 16 Updates
– Updated the proof templates for Forms 4 and 5 to always show the checkbox for Rule 10b5-1(c), even if it unchecked.
Page View and HTML
– Added logic to display text using CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color.
– Improved display of CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color within the Page View Control Window.
– Modified the Table Polish function to accept both text-underline-style and text-decoration-style when processing rules for cells.
– Adjusted the import from MS Word to convert text-underline-style to text-decoration-style.
Go16 5.19b
General EDGAR Updates
– Corrected an issue that caused some EDGAR XML views to hold on to excess memory until the view was closed.
Section 16 Updates
– Updated the proof templates for Forms 4 and 5 to always show the checkbox for Rule 10b5-1(c), even if it unchecked.
Go13 5.19b
General EDGAR Updates
– Corrected an issue that caused some EDGAR XML views to hold on to excess memory until the view was closed.
Form 13F Updates
– Corrected a situation where CUSIP numbers were not being properly combined by the Filter CUSIP script if they were using SH instead of PRN values.
Page View and HTML
– Added logic to display text using CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color.
– Improved display of CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color within the Page View Control Window.
– Modified the Table Polish function to accept both text-underline-style and text-decoration-style when processing rules for cells.
– Adjusted the import from MS Word to convert text-underline-style to text-decoration-style.
GoFormD 5.19b
General EDGAR Updates
– Corrected an issue that caused some EDGAR XML views to hold on to excess memory until the view was closed.
GoXBRL 5.19b
Page View and HTML
– Added logic to display text using CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color.
– Improved display of CSS properties text-decoration-line, text-decoration-style and text-decoration-color within the Page View Control Window.
– Modified the Table Polish function to accept both text-underline-style and text-decoration-style when processing rules for cells.
– Adjusted the import from MS Word to convert text-underline-style to text-decoration-style.
– Extensible enumerations can now be edited using Fact Properties.
– The extensible enumerations editor will now warn if the current data type is not a set and multiple values have been added.
– The extensible enumerations now works with older (EE 1.0) extensible enumerations.
– XBRL View now supports multiple values for a single fact that differ only by unit. A new tab has been added to the Fact Properties function to edit additional values.
– The older Edit Countries/Segments/Governments/Entities/Projects functions are no longer available for RXP 2023.
– The Document Wizard now accepts “2.01 SD” for the DocumentType of RXP filings.
– The library for CEF will now properly show UGT elements.
– The Find Element function will now report if an element is used as a value of an Extensible Enumeration.
– Extension elements that are used as a value of an Extensible Enumeration will no longer be marked as not in use.
– Corrected the validation of DocumentType for RXP filings.
– Corrected an issue that would cause the validate function to change the taxonomy of the report.
– Made a number of corrections to the Export function, particularly when exporting reports that use the OEF or RXP taxonomy. Corrections were also made when exporting extensible enumerations.
– When adding facts and two facts differ by only unit (and/or value), the second fact will be added as an Additional Value of the first.
– Corrected an issue that would display a context error for Risk Block engrams when using the OEF-RR taxonomy.
– The extensible enumerations editor will now warn if the current data type is not a set of values and multiple values have been added.
– The library for CEF will now properly show UGT elements.
– Corrected an issue that would prevent ECD filings from creating an equity style presentation when using Create XFR.
– The embedded presentation code (for RR) generated by XDX will now automatically filter to a specific class if the context for the fact has a class in its dimensions.
– The application will now detect if multiple presentations with different names result in the same generated role URI and will automatically adjust the role URI to avoid roles that end up being equivalent.